Source code for hps.core.geometry

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

import numpy as np
from openmm import unit

[docs]class geometry: """ A class to hold methods for calculating geometrical values given sets of atom coordinates. Methods ------- """
[docs] @staticmethod def position2Array(position: unit.quantity.Quantity, output_unit): """Converts an OpenMM position object quantity into a numpy array. Parameters ---------- position : openmm.unit.quantity.Quantity Array containing quantity objects [e.g. (x,y,z) array returned from positions]. output_unit : openmm.unit.nanometer Unit in which to return the items of the array. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array containing the quantity values in unit of nm, converted to float. """ return np.array([c.value_in_unit(output_unit) for c in position])
[docs] @staticmethod def bond(coord1: unit.quantity.Quantity, coord2: unit.quantity.Quantity): """Calculate the distance length between two (x,y,z) quantity coordinates. Parameters ---------- coord1 : openmm.unit.quantity.Quantity array Vector for the first coordinate. coord2 : openmm.unit.quantity.Quantity array Vector for the second coordinate. Returns ------- simtk.unit.quantity.Quantity Quantity (value and unit) of the distance length in nanometers. """ coord1 = geometry.position2Array(coord1, unit.nanometer) coord2 = geometry.position2Array(coord2, unit.nanometer) bond_length = np.linalg.norm(coord2 - coord1) return bond_length * unit.nanometer