Source code for hps.core.models

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

from typing import Any

from .system import system

[docs]class models: """ A class to hold functions for the automated generation of default hps models. Methods ------- """
[docs] @staticmethod def buildHPSModel(structure_file: str, minimize: bool = False, model: str = 'hps_urry', box_dimension: Any = None): """ Creates an alpha-carbon only :code:`hpsOpenMM` system class object with default initialized parameters. Parameters ---------- structure_file : string [required] Path to the input structure file. minimize : boolean (False) If True, the initial structure will undergo energy minimization. model : string [Optional, hps_urry] HPS scale. Available options are 'hps_urry', 'hps_ss', 'hps_kr', and 'mpipi'. box_dimension : float or array (None) If box_dimension is supplied, a PBC will be used. If a float is given, a cubic box will be used. If an array of (3,1) is given, a rectangular box with the given dimension will be used. If not specified, PBC will not be used. Returns ------- hps : :code:`hpsOpenMM.system` Initialized hpsOpenMM.system class with default options for defining a coarse-grained CA force field. """ # common for all model: print(f'Generating CA hps for structure file {structure_file}') print('') hps = system(structure_file, model) print("Checking input structure file:") # Set up geometric parameters of the model print('Setting up geometrical parameters:') print('__________________________________________________________________') print('Keeping only alpha carbon atoms in topology') hps.getCAlphaOnly() print(f'There are {hps.n_chains} chain(s) in the input file.') # Common for all hps.getAtoms() print('Added ' + str(hps.n_atoms) + ' CA atoms') hps.getBonds() print('Added ' + str(hps.n_bonds) + ' bonds') print("Setting alpha-carbon masses to their average residue mass.") hps.setCAMassPerResidueType() print("Setting alpha-carbon charge to their residue charge.") hps.setCAChargePerResidueType() # difference for each model if model in ['hps_kr', 'hps_urry', 'hps_ss']: print("Setting alpha-carbon atoms radii to their statistical residue radius.") hps.setCARadiusPerResidueType() print(f"Setting hydropathy scale to their residue, Using {model} scale.") hps.setCAHPSPerResidueType() elif model in ['mpipi']: print(f"Setting atom type to their residue type, using {model} model.") hps.setCAIDPerResidueType() # add forces to system print('Adding default bond force constant:', end=' ') hps.setBondForceConstants() print('') print('__________________________________________________________________') print('Adding Forces:') hps.addHarmonicBondForces() print('Added Harmonic Bond Forces') if model == "hps_ss": # this model has angle bonded potential. # angle hps.getAngles() print(f'Added {hps.n_angles} angles ') hps.addGaussianAngleForces() print('Added Gaussian Angle Forces') # torsional hps.getTorsions() print(f'Added {hps.n_torsions} torsion angles ') hps.addGaussianTorsionForces() print('Add Gaussian Torsion Forces') if box_dimension: use_pbc = True if isinstance(box_dimension, list): """ OpenMM use this to write dimension in PDB and dcd file. Require one-argument, so zip box dimension into one variable. Rectangular box, given parameter is array of three number """ hps.topology.setPeriodicBoxVectors( ((box_dimension[0], 0, 0), (0, box_dimension[1], 0), (0, 0, box_dimension[2]))) else: # cubic box, given parameter is single float hps.topology.setPeriodicBoxVectors( ((box_dimension, 0, 0), (0, box_dimension, 0), (0, 0, box_dimension))) unit_cell = hps.topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors() # use this to write coordinate in PBC box. requires 3 numbers, unzip to 3 hps.system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(*unit_cell) else: use_pbc = False hps.addYukawaForces(use_pbc) print('Added Yukawa Force') if model in ['hps_kr', 'hps_urry', 'hps_ss']: hps.addAshbaughHatchForces(use_pbc) print('Added PairWise Force') elif model in ['mpipi']: hps.add_Wang_Frenkel_Forces(use_pbc) print('Added Wang-Frenkel Force') print('') print('__________________________________________________________________') # Generate the system object and add previously generated forces print('Creating System Object:') # print('______________________') hps.createSystemObject(minimize=minimize, check_bond_distances=True) print('OpenMM system Object created') print('') return hps