Source code for hps.core.system

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import openmm
import parmed as pmd

from ..parameters import model_parameters

# from openmm import *
# from import *

[docs]class system: """ A class for generating coarse-grained (CG) systems that can be simulated using the OpenMM interface. It allows for the creation of both default and custom CG systems and easy modification of their parameters. Parameters ---------- structure_path : str The path to the input PDB or CIF file. Required. model: str, optional, default='hps_urry' The hydropathy scale to be used. Currently, two models are supported: 'hps_kr' and 'hps_urry'. Attributes ---------- structure : :class:`` or :class:`` An object that holds the information of the parsed PDB or CIF file. topology : :class:`` The topology of the model, as generated by OpenMM. positions : :class:`unit.quantity.Quantity` The atomic positions of the model. particles_mass : float or list The mass of each particle. If a float is provided, all particles will have the same mass. If a list is provided, per-particle masses will be assigned. particles_charge : list The charge of each particle. rf_sigma : float The sigma parameter used in the pairwise force object. This is the vdw radius of beads. atoms : list A list of the current atoms in the model. The items are :class:`` initialised classes. n_atoms : int The total number of atoms in the model. bonds : :class:`collections.OrderedDict` A dictionary that uses bonds (2-tuple of :class:`` objects) present in the model as keys and their forcefield properties as values. bonds_indexes : list A list containing the zero-based indexes of the atoms defining the bonds in the model. n_bonds : int The total number of bonds in the model. bonded_exclusions_index : int The exclusion rule for nonbonded force. =1 for hps_kr and hps_urry, =3 for hps_ss harmonicBondForce : :class:`openmm.HarmonicBondForce` The :class:`openmm.HarmonicBondForce` object that implements a harmonic bond potential between pairs of particles, that depends quadratically on their distance. n_angles : int The total number of angles in the model. gaussianAngleForce : :class:`openmm.CustomAngleForce` The :class:`openmm.CustomAngleForce` object that implements a Gaussian angle bond potential between pairs of three particles. n_torsions : :code:`int` Total number of torsion angles in the model. gaussianTorsionForce : :code:`openmm.CustomTorsionForce` Stores the OpenMM :code:`CustomTorsionForce` initialised-class. Implements a Gaussian torsion angle bond potential between pairs of four particles. yukawaForce : :code:`openmm.CustomNonbondedForce` Stores the OpenMM :code:`CustomNonbondedForce` initialized-class. Implements the Debye-Huckle potential. ashbaugh_HatchForce : :code:`openmm.CustomNonbondedForce` Stores the OpenMM :code:`CustomNonbondedForce` initialized-class. Implements the pairwise short-range potential. forceGroups : :code:`collections.OrderedDict` A dict that uses force names as keys and their corresponding force as values. system : :code:`openmm.System` Stores the OpenMM System initialised class. It stores all the forcefield information for the hps model. Methods ------- loadForcefieldFromFile() Loads forcefield parameters from a force field file written with the :code:`dumpForceFieldData()` method. """ # def __init__(self, structure_path, model):
[docs] def __init__(self, structure_path: str, model: str = 'hps_urry'): """ Initialises the hps OpenMM system class. Parameters ---------- structure_path : string [requires] Name of the input PDB or CIF file model: 'hps_kr','hps_urry', or 'hps_ss' [optional, default='hps_urry'] Hydropathy scale. Currently, there are three models are supported. Returns ------- None """ # Define structure object attributes self.structure_path = structure_path # Recognize format of input structure file if structure_path.endswith('.pdb'): self.structure = elif structure_path.endswith('.cif'): self.structure = else: raise ValueError( 'Structure file extension not recognized. It must end with .pdb or .cif accordingly.') self.topology = self.structure.topology self.positions = self.structure.positions self.model = model # particle properties self.particles_mass = None self.rf_sigma = None # particle vdw radius self.particles_charge = None self.particles_hps = None # hydropathy scale of particles self.particle_type_id = None # Define geometric attributes self.atoms = [] self.n_atoms = None self.chains = [] self.n_chains = None self.bonds = OrderedDict() self.bonds_indexes = [] self.n_bonds = None self.bond_length_protein = model_parameters.parameters[model]["bond_length_protein"] self.bond_length_nucleic = model_parameters.parameters[model]["bond_length_nucleic"] self.bondedTo = None self.harmonicBondForce = None self.angles = OrderedDict() self.angles_indexes = [] self.n_angles = None self.gaussianAngleForce = None self.torsions = OrderedDict() self.torsions_indexes = [] self.n_torsions = None self.gaussianTorsionForce = None # Exclusion rule for nonbonded forces self.bonded_exclusions_index = model_parameters.parameters[model]["bonded_exclusions_index"] # Parameters for PairWise potential Force self.ashbaugh_HatchForce = None # instance for Wang-Frenkel potential, alternative to Ashbaugh_Hatch self.wang_Frenkel_Force = None # Define parameters for DH potential Force self.yukawaForce = None self.forceGroups = OrderedDict() # Initialise an OpenMM system class instance self.system = openmm.System()
[docs] def getCAlphaOnly(self) -> None: """ Filter in only alpha carbon atoms from the input structure and updates the topology object to add new bonds between them. Used specially for creating alpha-carbon (CA) coarse-grained models. Keeps in the :code:`hps system` only the alpha carbon atoms from the :code:`OpenMM topology`. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ # save all non C-alpha atoms atoms_to_remove = [] # oldIndex = [] for a in self.topology.atoms(): if != 'CA': atoms_to_remove.append(a) # Remove all non C-alpha atoms modeller_topology =, self.positions) modeller_topology.delete(atoms_to_remove) self.topology = modeller_topology.getTopology() self.positions = modeller_topology.getPositions() chains = [] for chain in self.topology.chains(): chains.append(chain) # self.n_chains += 1 self.n_chains = 0 for chain in chains: self.chains.append(chain) self.n_chains += 1 """ Update system atoms, then add bonds between C-alpha atoms of the same chain. openMM load input PDB file and separate chain if encounter TER instruction. It doesn't matter if two chains have the same chain name. This may have a vulnerable is that if two CA atom on the same chain not consecutive, like residue 8 and 10 are listed consecutively on input file but residue 9 was missing. The code will add bond between residue 8 and 10 which cause large bond. The better solution is check the input file carefully and the logic condition in code has nothing to do. """ atoms = list(self.topology.atoms()) for i in np.arange(1, len(atoms)): if atoms[i].residue.chain == atoms[i - 1].residue.chain: self.topology.addBond(atoms[i - 1], atoms[i])
[docs] def getAtoms(self): """ Reads atoms from topology, adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. After getCAlphaOnly, C-alpha atoms are stored on :code:`self.topology only`. We need to add them to atoms attribute and system also. Adds :code:`atoms` in the :code:`OpenMM topology` instance to the :code:`hpsOpenMM system` class. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ # Get Atoms From Topology atoms = [] for atom in self.topology.atoms(): atoms.append(atom) # Sort atoms by index atoms = sorted(atoms, key=lambda x: x.index) # Add atoms to hps object self.n_atoms = 0 for atom in atoms: self.atoms.append(atom) self.n_atoms += 1
[docs] def getBonds(self, except_chains=None): """ Reads bonds from topology, adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. Adds :code:`bonds` in the :code:`OpenMM topology` instance to the :code:`hpsOpenMM system` class. Parameters ---------- except_chains: String [optional] Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(except_chains, str): except_chains = list(except_chains) # Get Bonds From Topology bonds = [] for bond in self.topology.bonds(): if except_chains is not None: if bond[0] not in except_chains: if bond[1] not in except_chains: if bond[0].index > bond[1].index: bonds.append((bond[1], bond[0])) else: bonds.append((bond[0], bond[1])) else: if bond[0].index > bond[1].index: bonds.append((bond[1], bond[0])) else: bonds.append((bond[0], bond[1])) # Sort bonds by index of first atom bonds = sorted(bonds, key=lambda x: x[0].index) # Add bonds to hps object self.n_bonds = 0 for bond in bonds: """ TODO: Currently this is bond length for protein. Need to deal with system of Protein+DNA+RNA complexes. if bond[0].name in protein_list and bond[1] in protein_list: self.bonds[bond] = (bond_length_protein, None) elif bond[0].name in nucleic_list and bond[1] in nucleic_list: self.bonds[bond] = (bond_length_nucleic, None) """ is_protein_connect = all(bond[i] in model_parameters.protein_list for i in [0, 1]) bond_length = self.bond_length_protein if is_protein_connect else self.bond_length_nucleic # print(bond_length) bond_length = bond_length * openmm.unit.nanometer self.bonds[bond] = (bond_length, None) self.n_bonds += 1 # Store bond indexes self.bonds_indexes.append((bond[0].index, bond[1].index)) # Record which atoms are bonded to each other self.bondedTo = {} for atom in self.topology.atoms(): self.bondedTo[atom] = [] for bond in self.topology.bonds(): self.bondedTo[bond[0]].append(bond[1]) self.bondedTo[bond[1]].append(bond[0])
[docs] def getAngles(self): """ Reads bonds from topology, adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. Angles are built from bond (bondedTo instance). This function modify :code:`self.angles`, :code:`self.angles_indexes` and :code:`self.n_angles` """ unique_angles = set() for bond in self.bonds: for atom in self.bondedTo[bond[0]]: if atom != bond[1]: if atom.index < bond[1].index: unique_angles.add((atom, bond[0], bond[1])) else: unique_angles.add((bond[1], bond[0], atom)) for atom in self.bondedTo[bond[1]]: if atom != bond[0]: if atom.index > bond[0].index: unique_angles.add((bond[0], bond[1], atom)) else: unique_angles.add((atom, bond[1], bond[0])) # sort angles by index of first atom unique_angles = sorted(list(unique_angles), key=lambda x: x[0].index) # add angles to hps object self.n_angles = 0 for angle in unique_angles: self.angles[angle] = None self.n_angles += 1 self.angles_indexes.append((angle[0].index, angle[1].index, angle[2].index))
[docs] def getTorsions(self): """ Reads bonds from topology, adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. Torsion Angles are built from angles and bondedTo instance. This function modify :code:`self.torsions`, :code:`self.torsions_indexes` and :code:`self.n_torsions` """ unique_torsions = set() for angle in self.angles: for atom in self.bondedTo[angle[0]]: if atom not in angle: if atom.index < angle[2].index: unique_torsions.add((atom, angle[0], angle[1], angle[2])) else: unique_torsions.add((angle[2], angle[1], angle[0], atom)) for atom in self.bondedTo[angle[2]]: if atom not in angle: """ it is stupid for checking atom.index as following line but it happens in all-atom model, when chain of atoms my be branched. just keep it here. """ if atom.index > angle[0].index: unique_torsions.add((angle[0], angle[1], angle[2], atom)) else: unique_torsions.add((atom, angle[2], angle[1], angle[0])) # sort dihedral angles by the first atom index unique_torsions = sorted(list(unique_torsions), key=lambda x: x[0].index) # load parameter eps_di from parameter file params = model_parameters.parameters[self.model] # add dihedral angle to hps object self.n_torsions = 0 for torsion in unique_torsions: """ when there are two residues bonded to first atom of torsion mean that this torsion angle is not the first angle. One residues will be in list of torsion atoms and the other is out of the list. Atom not in the list of torsion atom is preceding of residue (i). Same as last atom of torsion angle, atom not in torsion atom list is succeeding atom, (i+4) When there is only one atom bonded to first or last atom in torsion angle, means this is the first or the last torsion angle. """ if len(self.bondedTo[torsion[0]]) > 1: for atom in self.bondedTo[torsion[0]]: if atom not in torsion: eps_di_preceding = params[]['eps_di'] weight_preceding = 1 else: eps_di_preceding, weight_preceding = 0, 0 if len(self.bondedTo[torsion[3]]) > 1: for atom in self.bondedTo[torsion[3]]: if atom not in torsion: eps_di_succeeding = params[]['eps_di'] weight_succeeding = 1 else: eps_di_succeeding, weight_succeeding = 0, 0 # using weighting rule 1-1001-1: (i-1), i, (i+3), (i+4) are 1 and (i+1), (i+2) are 0 eps_d = (eps_di_preceding + params[torsion[0]]['eps_di'] + params[torsion[3]][ 'eps_di'] + eps_di_succeeding) / (weight_succeeding + weight_preceding + 2) self.torsions[torsion] = (eps_d, None) # add torsion angle parameters self.n_torsions += 1 self.torsions_indexes.append((torsion[0].index, torsion[1].index, torsion[2].index, torsion[3].index))
""" Functions for setting force specific parameters """
[docs] def setBondForceConstants(self): """ Change the forcefield parameters for bonded terms. Set the harmonic bond constant force parameters. The input can be a float, to set the same parameter for all force interactions, or a list, to define a unique parameter for each force interaction. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ bond_force_constant = model_parameters.parameters[self.model]["bond_force_constant"] print(f"bond_force_constant: {bond_force_constant}") system._setParameters(self.bonds, bond_force_constant)
[docs] def setParticlesMass(self, particles_mass): """ Change the mass parameter for each atom in the system. Set the masses of the particles in the system. The input can be a float, to set the same mass for all particles, or a list, to define a unique mass for each particle. Parameters ---------- particles_mass : float or list Mass(es) values to add for the particles in the hpsOpenMM system class. Returns ------- None """ self.particles_mass = particles_mass
[docs] def setParticlesRadii(self, particles_radii): """ Change the excluded volume radius parameter for each atom in the system. Set the radii of the particles in the system. The input can be a float, to set the same radius for all particles, or a list, to define a unique radius for each particle. Parameters ---------- particles_radii : float or list Radii values to add for the particles in the hpsOpenMM system class. Returns ------- None """ self.rf_sigma = particles_radii
[docs] def setParticlesCharge(self, particles_charge): """ Set the charge of the particles in the system. The input can be a float, to set the same charge for all particles, or a list, to define a unique charge for each particle. Parameters ---------- particles_charge : float or list Charge values to add for the particles in the hpsOpenMM system class. Returns ------- None """ self.particles_charge = particles_charge
[docs] def setParticlesHPS(self, particles_hps): """ Set the hydropathy scale of the particles in the system. The input can be a float, to set the same hydropathy for all particles, or a list, to define a unique hydropathy for each particle. Parameters ---------- particles_hps : float or list HPS scale values to add for the particles in the hpsOpenMM system class. Returns ------- None """ self.particles_hps = particles_hps
[docs] def setParticleTypeID(self, particle_id): self.particle_type_id = particle_id
""" Functions for creating force objects with defined parameters """
[docs] def addHarmonicBondForces(self) -> None: """ Creates a harmonic bonded force term for each bond in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. Creates an :code:`openmm.HarmonicBondForce()` object with the bonds and parameters set up in the "bonds" dictionary attribute. The force object is stored at the :code:`harmonicBondForce` attribute. openMM uses harmonic bond that has energy term of form: .. math:: E= \\frac{1}{2}k(r-r_0)^2 The force parameters must be contained in self.bonds as follows: self.bonds is a dictionary: - The keys are 2-tuples for two atom items in :code:`self.topology.atoms` attribute. - The values are a 2-tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> bond0 (quantity) - second -> k (float) (measured in unit of kj/mol/nm^2) Returns ------- None """ self.harmonicBondForce = openmm.HarmonicBondForce() for bond in self.bonds: self.harmonicBondForce.addBond(bond[0].index, bond[1].index, self.bonds[bond][0], self.bonds[bond][1])
[docs] def addGaussianAngleForces(self) -> None: """ Add Gaussian functional form of angle. Note that in openMM log is neutral logarithm. Angle potential take Gaussian functional form in hps-ss model. .. math:: U_{angle}(\\theta) = \\frac{-1}{\gamma} \\ln{[e^{-\gamma[k_\\alpha( \\theta-\\theta_\\alpha)^2+\\epsilon_\\alpha]} +e^{-\\gamma k_\\beta(\\theta-\\theta_\\beta)^2}]} Angle potential is taken from reference: """ gamma = 0.0239 / openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole # 0.1 mol/kcal eps_alpha = 17.9912 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole # 4.3 kcal/mol theta_alpha = 1.6 * openmm.unit.radian theta_beta = 2.27 * openmm.unit.radian k_alpha = 445.1776 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole / openmm.unit.radian ** 2 k_beta = 110.0392 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole / openmm.unit.radian ** 2 energy_function = '(-1 / gamma) * log(exp(-gamma * (k_alpha * (theta - theta_alpha) ^ 2 + eps_alpha)) ' \ '+ exp(-gamma * k_beta * (theta - theta_beta) ^ 2))' self.gaussianAngleForce = openmm.CustomAngleForce(energy_function) self.gaussianAngleForce.addGlobalParameter('gamma', gamma) self.gaussianAngleForce.addGlobalParameter('eps_alpha', eps_alpha) self.gaussianAngleForce.addGlobalParameter('theta_alpha', theta_alpha) self.gaussianAngleForce.addGlobalParameter('theta_beta', theta_beta) self.gaussianAngleForce.addGlobalParameter('k_alpha', k_alpha) self.gaussianAngleForce.addGlobalParameter('k_beta', k_beta) for angle in self.angles: self.gaussianAngleForce.addAngle(angle[0].index, angle[1].index, angle[2].index)
[docs] def addGaussianTorsionForces(self) -> None: """ Torsion potential in hps-ss model takes the form: .. math:: U_{torsion}(\\theta) = -\\ln\\left[ U_{torsion, \\alpha}(\\theta, \\epsilon_d) + U_{torsion, \\beta}(\\theta, \\epsilon_d)\\right] where, .. math:: U_{torsion, \\alpha}(\\theta, \\epsilon_d) &= e^{-k_{\\alpha, 1}(\\theta-\\theta_{\\alpha,1})^2-\\epsilon_d} + e^{-k_{\\alpha, 2}(\\theta-\\theta_{\\alpha,2})^4 + e_0} + e^{-k_{\\alpha, 2}(\\theta-\\theta_{\\alpha,2}+2\\pi)^4 + e_0} \\ U_{torsion, \\beta}(\\theta, \\epsilon_d) &= e^{-k_{\\beta,1}(\\theta-\\theta_{\\beta,1})^2+e_1+\\epsilon_d} + e^{-k_{\\beta,1}(\\theta-\\theta_{\\beta,1}-2\\pi)^2+e_1+\\epsilon_d} \\ &+ e^{-k_{\\beta,2}(\\theta-\\theta_{\\beta,2})^4+e_2} + e^{-k_{\\beta,2}(\\theta-\\theta_{\\beta,2}-2\\pi)^4+e_2} """ k_alpha1 = 47.6976 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole / openmm.unit.radian ** 2 # 11.4 kcal/mol/rad^2 k_alpha2 = 0.6276 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole / openmm.unit.radian ** 4 # 0.15 kcal/mol/rad^4 theta_alpha1 = 0.9 * openmm.unit.radian theta_alpha2 = 1.02 * openmm.unit.radian e_0 = 1.12968 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole # 0.27 kcal/mol k_beta1 = 7.5312 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole / openmm.unit.radian ** 2 # 1.8 kcal/mol/rad^2 k_beta2 = 2.7196 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole / openmm.unit.radian ** 4 # 0.65 kcal/mol/rad^4 theta_beta1 = -1.55 * openmm.unit.radian theta_beta2 = -2.5 * openmm.unit.radian e_1 = 0.58576 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole # 0.14 kcal/mol e_2 = 1.6736 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole # 0.4 kcal/mol # pi = np.pi energy_function_alpha = 'exp(-k_alpha1*(theta-theta_alpha1)^2 - esp_d)' energy_function_alpha += '+exp(-k_alpha2*(theta-theta_alpha2)^4 + e_0)' energy_function_alpha += '+exp(-k_alpha2*(theta-theta_alpha2+2*pi)^4 + e_0)' energy_function_beta = '+exp(-k_beta1*(theta-theta_beta1)^2 + e_1 + esp_d)' energy_function_beta += '+exp(-k_beta1*(theta-theta_beta1-2*pi)^2 + e_1 + esp_d)' energy_function_beta += '+exp(-k_beta2*(theta-theta_beta2)^4 + e_2)' energy_function_beta += '+exp(-k_beta2*(theta-theta_beta2-2*pi)^4 + e_2)' energy_function = '-log(' + energy_function_alpha + energy_function_beta + ')' self.gaussianTorsionForce = openmm.CustomTorsionForce(energy_function) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("k_alpha1", k_alpha1) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("theta_alpha1", theta_alpha1) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("k_alpha2", k_alpha2) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("theta_alpha2", theta_alpha2) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("e_0", e_0) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("k_beta1", k_beta1) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("theta_beta1", theta_beta1) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("k_beta2", k_beta2) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("theta_beta2", theta_beta2) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("e_1", e_1) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("e_2", e_2) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addGlobalParameter("pi", np.pi) self.gaussianTorsionForce.addPerTorsionParameter("esp_d") for torsion in self.torsions: self.gaussianTorsionForce.addTorsion(torsion[0].index, torsion[1].index, torsion[2].index, torsion[3].index, (self.torsions[torsion][0],))
[docs] def addYukawaForces(self, use_pbc: bool) -> None: """ Creates a nonbonded force term for electrostatic interaction DH potential. Creates an :code:`openmm.CustomNonbondedForce()` object with the parameters sigma and epsilon given to this method. The custom non-bonded force is initialized with the formula: .. math:: energy = f \\times \\frac{q_1q_2}{\epsilon_r \\times r}\\times e^{(-r/lD)} where :math:`f=\\frac{1}{4\\pi\\epsilon_0}=138.935458` is the factor for short to convert dimensionless in calculation to :math:`kj.nm/(mol\\times e^2)` unit. :math:`\\epsilon_r=80`: Dielectric constant of water at 100mM mono-valent ion The force object is stored at the :code:`yukawaForce` attribute. Parameters ---------- use_pbc: (bool) whether use PBC, cutoff periodic boundary condition Returns ------- None """ # currently, just use debye-length at [NaCl]=100mM lD = 1.0 * openmm.unit.nanometer electric_factor = 138.935458 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole * openmm.unit.nanometer / openmm.unit.elementary_charge ** 2 yukawa_cutoff = 3.5 * openmm.unit.nanometer epsilon_r = 80.0 energy_function = 'factor*charge1*charge2/epsilon_r/r*exp(-r/lD)' self.yukawaForce = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(energy_function) self.yukawaForce.addGlobalParameter('factor', electric_factor) self.yukawaForce.addGlobalParameter('epsilon_r', epsilon_r) self.yukawaForce.addGlobalParameter('lD', lD) self.yukawaForce.addPerParticleParameter('charge') if use_pbc: self.yukawaForce.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.NonbondedForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: self.yukawaForce.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.NonbondedForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) self.yukawaForce.setCutoffDistance(yukawa_cutoff) if isinstance(self.particles_charge, float): for i in np.arange(len(self.atoms)): self.yukawaForce.addParticle((self.particles_charge,)) # in the case each atom has different sigma para. elif isinstance(self.particles_charge, list): assert self.n_atoms == len(self.particles_charge) for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): self.yukawaForce.addParticle((self.particles_charge[i],)) # set exclusions rule bonded_exclusions = [(b[0].index, b[1].index) for b in list(self.topology.bonds())] self.yukawaForce.createExclusionsFromBonds(bonded_exclusions, self.bonded_exclusions_index)
[docs] def addAshbaughHatchForces(self, use_pbc: bool) -> None: """ HPS family used Ashbaugh-Hatch Potential instead of Wang-Frenkel Creates a nonbonded force term for pairwise interaction (customize LJ 12-6 potential). Creates an :code:`openmm.CustomNonbondedForce()` object with the parameters sigma and epsilon given to this method. The custom non-bonded force is initialized with the formula: (note: hps here is :math:`\lambda_{ij}^{0}` in the paper) Unlike :code:`BondForce` class, where we specify index for atoms pair to add bond, it means that number of bondForces may differ from number of particle. :code:`NonBondedForce` is added to all particles, hence we don't need to pass the :code:`atom index`. .. math:: \\Phi_{i,j}^{vdw}(r) = step(2^{1/6}\\sigma_{ij}-r) \\times \\left( 4\\epsilon\\left[\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{ij}}{r}\\right)^{12}- \\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{ij}}{r}\\right)^{6}\\right]+(1-\\lambda_{ij})\\epsilon\\right) + \\left[1-step(2^{1/6}\\sigma_{ij}-r)\\right]\\times\\left[(\\lambda_{ij})\\times 4\\epsilon \\left[\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{ij}}{r}\\right)^{12}-\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{ij}}{r}\\right)^6\\right]\\right] Here, :math:`\\sigma= \\frac{(\\sigma_1+\\sigma_2)}{2}; \\lambda_{ij}^{0}=\\frac{(\\lambda_i+\\lambda_j)}{2}; \\epsilon = 0.8368 kj/mol` The force object is stored at the :code:`ashbaugh_HatchForce` attribute. epsilon : float Value of the epsilon constant in the energy function. sigma : float or list Value of the sigma constant (in nm) in the energy function. If float the same sigma value is used for every particle. If list a unique parameter is given for each particle. cutoff : float The cutoff distance (in nm) being used for the non-bonded interactions. Parameters ---------- use_pbc : bool. Whether use PBC, cutoff periodic boundary condition Returns ------- None """ epsilon = 0.8368 * openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole ashbaugh_Hatch_cutoff = 2.0 * openmm.unit.nanometer energy_function = 'step(2^(1/6)*sigma - r) *' energy_function += '(4*epsilon* ((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6) + (1-hps)*epsilon )' energy_function += '+(1-step(2^(1/6)*sigma-r)) * (hps*4*epsilon*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6));' energy_function += 'sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2);' energy_function += 'hps=0.5*(hps1+hps2)' self.ashbaugh_HatchForce = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(energy_function) self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.addGlobalParameter('epsilon', epsilon) self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.addPerParticleParameter('sigma') self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.addPerParticleParameter('hps') # if use_pbc: self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.NonbondedForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.NonbondedForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.setCutoffDistance(ashbaugh_Hatch_cutoff) if isinstance(self.rf_sigma, float): for i in np.arange(len(self.atoms)): self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.addParticle((self.rf_sigma, self.particles_hps[i],)) # in the case each atom has different sigma para. elif isinstance(self.rf_sigma, list): assert self.n_atoms == len(self.rf_sigma) and self.n_atoms == len(self.particles_hps) for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.addParticle((self.rf_sigma[i], self.particles_hps[i],)) # set exclusions rule bonded_exclusions = [(b[0].index, b[1].index) for b in list(self.topology.bonds())] self.ashbaugh_HatchForce.createExclusionsFromBonds(bonded_exclusions, self.bonded_exclusions_index)
[docs] def add_Wang_Frenkel_Forces(self, use_pbc: bool): """ MPIPI model. using TabulatedFunction for pair interaction. More information about TabulatedFUnction can be found here: """ wang_frenkel_cutoff = 2.5 * openmm.unit.nanometer """ In the model module, we only call this function when the model is mpipi so the following condition likely to be true. But to be sure, we still check here. """ assert self.model in ['mpipi'], "Wang-Frenkel is only used in Mpipi model." table_eps = model_parameters.parameters[self.model]['eps_ij'] table_eps_ravel = table_eps.ravel().tolist() table_sigma = model_parameters.parameters[self.model]['sigma_ij'] table_sigma_ravel = table_sigma.ravel().tolist() table_nu = model_parameters.parameters[self.model]['nu_ij'] table_nu_ravel = table_nu.ravel().tolist() table_mu = model_parameters.parameters[self.model]['mu_ij'] table_mu_ravel = table_mu.ravel().tolist() table_rc = model_parameters.parameters[self.model]['rc_ij'] table_rc_ravel = table_rc.ravel().tolist() # number of atom types in model. currently with protein, there are 20. n_atom_types = table_sigma.shape[0] # eps, sigma, nu, mu, rc: load from tabular table """ Note: here we use abs function in ((rc/r)^(2*mu)-1)^(2*nu) because otherwise, nu added by parameters is float. when r>rc, produces this is negative and non-integer power of float is nan. """ energy_function = 'eps * 2*nu*(rc/sigma)^(2*mu) * ((2*nu+1)/(2*nu*((rc/sigma)^(2*mu)-1)))^(2*nu+1)' energy_function += '* ((sigma/r)^(2*mu)-1 )* abs((rc/r)^(2*mu)-1)^(2*nu);' energy_function += 'eps = eps_table(id1, id2); sigma = sigma_table(id1, id2);' energy_function += 'nu = nu_table(id1, id2);' energy_function += 'mu = mu_table(id1, id2);' energy_function += 'rc=rc_table(id1, id2)' self.wang_Frenkel_Force = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(energy_function) self.wang_Frenkel_Force.addTabulatedFunction('eps_table', openmm.Discrete2DFunction(n_atom_types, n_atom_types, table_eps_ravel)) self.wang_Frenkel_Force.addTabulatedFunction('sigma_table', openmm.Discrete2DFunction(n_atom_types, n_atom_types, table_sigma_ravel)) self.wang_Frenkel_Force.addTabulatedFunction('nu_table', openmm.Discrete2DFunction(n_atom_types, n_atom_types, table_nu_ravel)) self.wang_Frenkel_Force.addTabulatedFunction('mu_table', openmm.Discrete2DFunction(n_atom_types, n_atom_types, table_mu_ravel)) self.wang_Frenkel_Force.addTabulatedFunction('rc_table', openmm.Discrete2DFunction(n_atom_types, n_atom_types, table_rc_ravel)) self.wang_Frenkel_Force.addPerParticleParameter('id') for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): self.wang_Frenkel_Force.addParticle((self.particle_type_id[i],)) if use_pbc: self.wang_Frenkel_Force.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.NonbondedForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: self.wang_Frenkel_Force.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.NonbondedForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) self.wang_Frenkel_Force.setCutoffDistance(wang_frenkel_cutoff) # set exclusion rule bonded_exclusions = [(b[0].index, b[1].index) for b in list(self.topology.bonds())] self.wang_Frenkel_Force.createExclusionsFromBonds(bonded_exclusions, self.bonded_exclusions_index)
""" Functions for creating OpenMM system object """
[docs] def createSystemObject(self, check_bond_distances: bool = True, minimize: bool = False, check_large_forces: bool = True, force_threshold: float = 10.0, bond_threshold: float = 0.5) -> None: """ Creates OpenMM system object adding particles, masses and forces. It also groups the added forces into Force-Groups for the hpsReporter class. Creates an :code:`openmm.System()` object using the force field parameters given to the 'system' class. It adds particles, forces and creates a force group for each force object. Optionally the method can check for large bond distances (default) and minimize the atomic positions if large forces are found in any atom (default False). Parameters ---------- minimize : boolean (False) Whether to minimize the system if large forces are found. check_bond_distances : boolean (True) Whether to check for large bond distances. check_large_forces : boolean (False) Whether to print force summary of force groups force_threshold : float (10.0) Threshold to check for large forces. bond_threshold : float (0.5) Threshold to check for large bond distances. Returns ------- None """ if check_bond_distances: # Check for large bond_distances self.checkBondDistances(threshold=bond_threshold) # Add particles to system self.addParticles() # Add created forces into the system self.addSystemForces() # Create force group for each added force for i, name in enumerate(self.forceGroups): self.forceGroups[name].setForceGroup(i) if minimize: check_large_forces = True if check_large_forces: # Check for high forces in atoms and minimize the system if necessary self.checkLargeForces(minimize=minimize, threshold=force_threshold)
[docs] def checkBondDistances(self, threshold: float = 0.5) -> None: """ Searches for large bond distances for the atom pairs defined in the 'bonds' attribute. It raises an error when large bonds are found. Parameters ---------- threshold : (float, default=0.5 nm) Threshold to check for large bond distances. Returns ------- None """ print('Checking large bonds ...') if isinstance(threshold, float): threshold = threshold * openmm.unit.nanometer for b in self.bonds: if self.bonds[b][0] >= threshold: print('Problem with distance between atoms: ' + b[0].name + ' and ' + b[1].name) r1 = b[0] + '_' + str(b[0] if b[0].residue == b[1].residue: print('of residue: ' + r1) else: r2 = b[1] + '_' + str(b[1] print('of residues: ' + r1 + ' and ' + r2 + ', respectively.') raise ValueError('The bond distance between them ' + str(self.bonds[b][0]) + 'nm is larger than ' + str(threshold) + ' nm. Please check your input structure.') # else: print(f'All bonds seem to be OK (less than threshold: {threshold})') print('')
[docs] def checkLargeForces(self, minimize: bool = False, threshold: float = 10) -> None: """ Prints the hps system energies of the input configuration of the system. It optionally checks for large forces acting upon all particles in the hps system and iteratively minimizes the system configuration until no forces larger than a threshold are found. Parameters ---------- threshold : (float, default=10) Threshold to check for large forces. minimize : (bool, default= False) Whether to iteratively minimize the system until all forces are lower or equal to the threshold value. Returns ------- None """ # minimized = False print('__________________________________________________________________') print('Potential Energy from initial structure (input structure):') # Define test simulation to extract forces integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(1 * openmm.unit.kelvin, 1 / openmm.unit.picosecond, 0.0005 * openmm.unit.picoseconds) sim =, self.system, integrator) sim.context.setPositions(self.positions) state = sim.context.getState(getForces=True, getEnergy=True) # Print initial state of the system print(f'The Potential Energy of the system is : {state.getPotentialEnergy()}') for i, n in enumerate(self.forceGroups): energy = sim.context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups={i}).getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit( openmm.unit.kilojoules_per_mole) print('The ' + n.replace('Force', 'Energy') + ' is: ' + str(energy) + ' kJ/mol') print('') # print(state.getForces()) if minimize: print('__________________________________________________________________') print('Perform energy minimization ...') # Find if there is an acting force larger than threshold # minimize the system until forces have converged forces = [np.linalg.norm([f[0]._value, f[1]._value, f[2]._value]) for f in state.getForces()] # print(state.getForces()) prev_force = None tolerance = 10 while np.max(forces) > threshold: # Write atom with the largest force if not reported before if np.max(forces) != prev_force: atom = self.atoms[np.argmax(forces)] residue = atom.residue print(f'Large force {np.max(forces):.3f} kJ/(mol nm) found in:') print(f'Atom: {atom.index} {}') print(f'Residue: {} {residue.index}') print(f'Minimising system with energy tolerance of {tolerance:.1f} kJ/mol') print('_______________________') print('') sim.minimizeEnergy(tolerance=tolerance * openmm.unit.kilojoule / openmm.unit.mole) # minimized = True state = sim.context.getState(getForces=True) prev_force = np.max(forces) forces = [np.linalg.norm([f.x, f.y, f.z]) for f in state.getForces()] if tolerance > 1: tolerance -= 1 elif tolerance > 0.1: tolerance -= 0.1 elif tolerance == 0.1: raise ValueError('The system could not be minimized at the requested convergence\n' + 'Try to increase the force threshold value to achieve convergence.') print(f'All forces are less than {threshold:.2f} kJ/mol/nm') print('______________________') state = sim.context.getState(getPositions=True, getEnergy=True) print('Potential Energy After minimisation:') print(f'The Potential Energy of the system (after minimized) is : {state.getPotentialEnergy()}') for i, n in enumerate(self.forceGroups): energy = sim.context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups={i}).getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit( openmm.unit.kilojoules_per_mole) print('The ' + n.replace('Force', 'Energy') + ' is: ' + str(energy) + ' kJ/mol') print('') self.positions = state.getPositions() print('Saving minimized positions') print('__________________________________________________________________') print('')
[docs] def addParticles(self) -> None: """ Add particles to the system OpenMM class instance. Add a particle to the system for each atom in it. The mass of each particle is set up with the values in the :code:`particles_mass` attribute. """ # Set same mass for each atom if isinstance(self.particles_mass, float): for i in np.arange(len(self.atoms)): self.system.addParticle(self.particles_mass) # Set unique masses for each atom if isinstance(self.particles_mass, list): assert len(self.particles_mass) == len(self.atoms) for i in np.arange(len(self.particles_mass)): self.system.addParticle(self.particles_mass[i])
[docs] def addSystemForces(self) -> None: """ Add forces to the system OpenMM class instance. It also save names for the added forces to include them in the reporter class. Adds generated forces to the system, also adding a force group to the :code:`forceGroups` attribute dictionary. """ if self.harmonicBondForce is not None: self.system.addForce(self.harmonicBondForce) self.forceGroups['Harmonic Bond Energy'] = self.harmonicBondForce if self.gaussianAngleForce is not None: self.system.addForce(self.gaussianAngleForce) self.forceGroups['Gaussian Angle Energy'] = self.gaussianAngleForce if self.gaussianTorsionForce is not None: self.system.addForce(self.gaussianTorsionForce) self.forceGroups['Gaussian Torsion Energy'] = self.gaussianTorsionForce if self.yukawaForce is not None: self.system.addForce(self.yukawaForce) self.forceGroups['Yukawa Energy'] = self.yukawaForce if self.ashbaugh_HatchForce is not None: self.system.addForce(self.ashbaugh_HatchForce) self.forceGroups['PairWise Energy'] = self.ashbaugh_HatchForce if self.wang_Frenkel_Force is not None: self.system.addForce(self.wang_Frenkel_Force) self.forceGroups['PairWire Energy'] = self.wang_Frenkel_Force
[docs] def dumpStructure(self, output_file: str) -> None: """ Writes a structure file of the system in its current state. Writes a PDB file containing the currently defined CG system atoms and its positions. Parameters ---------- output_file : string name of the PDB output file. Returns ------- None """ self.structure.writeFile(self.topology, self.positions, file=open(output_file, 'w'))
[docs] def dumpTopology(self, output_file: str) -> None: """ Writes a topology file of the system in PSF format, this is used for visualization and post-analysis. Writes a file containing the current topology in the hpsOpenMM system. This file contains topology of system, used in visualization and analysis. Here, we used :code:`parmed` to load :code:`openMM topology` and :code:`openMM system` to create :code:`Structure` object in :code:`parmed`. Because parmed doesn't automatically recognize :code:`charge`, :code:`mass` of atoms by their name. We need to set :code:`charge`, :code:`mass` back to residues properties. Parameters ---------- output_file : string [requires] name of the output PSF file. Returns ------- None """ top = pmd.openmm.load_topology(self.topology, self.system) for i, a in enumerate(top.atoms): a.mass, a.charge = self.particles_mass[i], self.particles_charge[i] """ Parmed know exactly what chain is but it doesn't use to write psf. Instead, it writes segid (1-letter) to distinguish between segment, and PSF file does not has chain identifier. What we will do here is copy chain ID to segID so that Parmed can write a meaningful psf. """ for r in top.residues: r.segid = r.chain'{output_file}', overwrite=True)
[docs] def dumpForceFieldData(self, output_file: str) -> None: """ Writes to a file the parameters of the forcefield. Writes a file containing the current forcefield parameters in the CG system. Parameters ---------- output_file : string [requires] name of the output file. Returns ------- None """ with open(output_file, 'w') as ff: ff.write('#### CG Force Field Parameters ####\n') ff.write('\n') if self.atoms != OrderedDict(): ff.write('[atoms]\n') ff.write( '# %2s %3s %9s %9s %9s \t %14s\n' % ('atom', 'mass', 'exc_radius', 'charge', 'hps', 'atom_name')) for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if isinstance(self.particles_mass, list): mass = self.particles_mass[i] elif isinstance(self.particles_mass, float): mass = self.particles_mass if isinstance(self.rf_sigma, list): sigma = self.rf_sigma[i] elif isinstance(self.rf_sigma, float): sigma = self.rf_sigma if isinstance(self.particles_charge, list): charge = self.particles_charge[i] elif isinstance(self.particles_charge, float): charge = self.particles_charge if isinstance(self.particles_hps, list): hps = self.particles_hps[i] elif isinstance(self.particles_hps, float): hps = self.particles_hps res = atom.residue ff.write('%4s %5s %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\t# %12s\n' % (atom.index + 1, mass, sigma, charge, hps, + '_' + + '_' + str( res.index + 1))) if self.bonds != OrderedDict(): ff.write('\n') ff.write('[bonds]\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %-6s %-s \t\t self.bonds[bond][1] %12s %12s\n' % ( 'at1', 'at2', 'b0', 'k', 'at1_name', 'at2_name')) for bond in self.bonds: atom1 = bond[0] atom2 = bond[1] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %.4f %s \t# %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index + 1, atom2.index + 1, self.bonds[bond][0]._value, self.bonds[bond][1], + '_' + + '_' + str( res1.index + 1), + '_' + + '_' + str( res2.index + 1)))
[docs] def setCAMassPerResidueType(self): """ Sets alpha carbon atoms to their average residue mass. Used specially for modifying alpha-carbon (CA) coarse-grained models. Sets the masses of the alpha carbon atoms to the average mass of its amino acid residue. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ # Load mass parameters from parameters package params = model_parameters.parameters[self.model] masses = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if in params: masses.append(params[]['mass']) else: raise ValueError('Residue ' + + ' not found in masses dictionary.') self.setParticlesMass(masses)
[docs] def setCARadiusPerResidueType(self): """ Sets alpha carbon atoms to their average residue mass. Used specially for modifying alpha-carbon (CA) coarse-grained models. Sets the excluded volume radii of the alpha carbon atoms to characteristic radii of their corresponding amino acid residue. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ # Load radii from parameters package params = model_parameters.parameters[self.model] radii = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if in params: radii.append(params[]['radii']) else: raise ValueError('Residue ' + + ' not found in radii dictionary.') self.setParticlesRadii(radii)
[docs] def setCAChargePerResidueType(self): """ Sets the charge of the alpha carbon atoms to characteristic charge of their corresponding amino acid residue. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ # Load charge from parameters package params = model_parameters.parameters[self.model] charge = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if in params: charge.append(params[]['charge']) else: raise ValueError('Residue ' + + ' not found in charge dictionary.') self.setParticlesCharge(charge)
[docs] def setCAHPSPerResidueType(self): """ Sets alpha carbon atoms to their residue hydropathy scale. Used specially for modifying alpha-carbon (CA) coarse-grained models. Sets the HPS model of the alpha carbon atoms using corresponding scale. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ # Load hydropathy scale from parameters package params = model_parameters.parameters[self.model] hps = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if in params: hps.append(params[]['hps']) else: raise ValueError('Residue ' + + ' not found in hps dictionary.') self.setParticlesHPS(hps)
[docs] def setCAIDPerResidueType(self): params = model_parameters.parameters['mpipi'] atom_type = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if in params: atom_type.append(params[]['id']) else: raise ValueError(f'Residue {} not found in model parameter') self.setParticleTypeID(atom_type)
# User-hidden functions #
[docs] @staticmethod def _setParameters(term, parameters): """ General function to set up or change force field parameters. protected method, can be called only inside class system. Parameters ---------- term : dict Dictionary object containing the set of degrees of freedom (DOF) to set up attributes to (e.g. :code:`bonds` attribute) parameters : integer or float or list Value(s) for the specific forcefield parameters. If integer or float, sets up the same value for all the DOF in terms. If a list is given, sets a unique parameter for each DOF. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(parameters, int): parameters = float(parameters) # Set constant parameter for each item in FF term if isinstance(parameters, float): for item in term: """ For example, use in set bond force constant: in the :code:`getBond()`, we set :code:`bond_length` to the first item of tuple, so lack of bond force constant. In :code:`setBondForceConstants(8368.0)`: parameter passed is 8368.0, :code:`setBondForceConstants(param)` calls to this function. Term is self.bonds, item looks like: :code:`item: (<Atom 0 (CA) of chain 0 residue 0 (MET)>, <Atom 1 (CA) of chain 0 residue 1 (ASP)>)` :code:`term[item]` (before calling this function): :code:`(Quantity(value=0.382, unit=nanometer), None)` we take all values except the last (bond force constant which is currently :code:`None` = no parameters: :code:`(Quantity(value=0.382, unit=nanometer),)`: a tuple after calling this function: :code:`term[item]: (Quantity(value=0.382, unit=nanometer), 8368.0)` :code:`[tuple+tuple = tuple]` """ term[item] = term[item][:-1] + (parameters,) # Set unique parameter for each item in FF term if isinstance(parameters, list): assert len(parameters) == len(list(term.keys())) for i, item in enumerate(term): term[item] = term[item][:-1] + (parameters[i],)
""" End of class system. Happy simulating ... """