Source code for hps.dynamics.dynamics

import configparser
import time
import warnings
from distutils.util import strtobool
from json import loads

import numpy as np
import openmm
from openmm import unit
from parmed.exceptions import OpenMMWarning

from ..core import models

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=OpenMMWarning)

[docs]class Dynamics: """ The Dynamics class is used to perform molecular dynamics simulations. It contains two main functions: reading a configuration file and running a simulation. To use the class, a user needs to provide a configuration file (e.g md.ini) and specify the parameters that control the simulation. Parameters ---------- config_file : str The path to the configuration file that contains the parameters for the simulation. Attributes ---------- md_steps : int, optional (default: 1000) The number of steps to perform in the molecular dynamics simulation. dt : float, optional (default: 0.01) [ps] The time step for integration in picoseconds. nstxout : int, optional (default: 10) The number of steps between writing coordinates to the output trajectory file. The last coordinates are always written. nstlog : int, optional (default: 10) The number of steps between writing energies to the log file. The last energies are always written. nstcomm : int, optional (default: 100) The frequency for center of mass motion removal. model : str, optional (default: 'hps_urry') Hydropathy scale used in the simulation. tcoupl : bool, optional (default: False) Indicates whether temperature coupling is used in the simulation. ref_t : float, optional (default: 300.0) [K] The reference temperature for coupling in Kelvin. tau_t : float, optional (default: 0.1) [ps] The time constant for temperature coupling in picoseconds. pcoupl : bool, optional (default: False) Indicates whether pressure coupling is used in the simulation. ref_p : float, optional (default: 1.0) [bar] The reference pressure for coupling in bar. frequency_p : int, optional (default: 25) The frequency for coupling the pressure. pbc : bool, optional (default: True) Indicates whether periodic boundary conditions are used in the simulation. box_dimension : float or list of float, optional (default: None) The dimension of the box used in the simulation. It is better to use rectangular for simplicity. protein_code : str, optional (default: None) A prefix to write output files based on this parameter. checkpoint : str, optional (default: None) The name of the checkpoint file. pdb_file : str, optional (default: None) The input structure used to generate the model. device : str, optional (default: 'GPU') The device used to perform the simulation. Options are 'GPU' or 'CPU'. ppn : int, optional (default: 1) In case the simulation is run on a CPU, this parameter controls the number of threads used to run the simulation. restart : bool, optional (default: False) Indicates whether the simulation should be run from the beginning or restarted from a checkpoint. minimize : bool, optional (default: True) Indicates whether energy minimization should be performed at the start of the simulation Returns ------- """
[docs] def __init__(self, config_file): # Set default values self.md_steps = 1000 self.dt = 0.01 self.nstxout = 10 self.nstlog = 10 self.nstcomm = 100 self.model = 'hps_urry' self.tcoupl = True self.ref_t = 300.0 self.pcoupl = False self.ref_p = 1.0 self.frequency_p = 25 self.pbc = False self.device = 'CPU' self.ppn = 1 self.restart = False self.minimize = True # Other attributes self.tau_t = None self.box_dimension = None self.protein_code = None self.checkpoint = None self.pdb_file = None # Initialize attributes with config file self.read_config(config_file) self.hps_model = None
[docs] def read_config(self, config_file): """ Read simulation control parameters from config file *.ini into class attributes. Parameters ---------- config_file: string, default=None Control file store simulation parameters. TODO: check parameters in control file more carefully. Raise error and exit immediately if something wrong. """ print(f"Reading simulation parameters from {config_file} file...") config = configparser.ConfigParser() config = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes=("#", ";")) params = config['OPTIONS'] self.md_steps = int(params.get('md_steps', self.md_steps)) print(f'Setting number of simulation steps to: {self.md_steps}') self.dt = float(params.get('dt', self.dt)) * unit.picoseconds print(f'Setting timestep for integration of equations of motion to: {self.dt}') self.nstxout = int(params['nstxout']) self.nstlog = int(params['nstlog']) self.nstcomm = int(params.get('nstcomm', self.nstcomm)) print(f'Setting frequency of center of mass motion removal to every {self.nstcomm} steps') self.model = params.get('model', self.model) print(f'Setting hydropathy scale to: {self.model}') self.tcoupl = bool(strtobool(params.get('tcoupl', self.tcoupl))) if self.tcoupl: self.ref_t = float(params['ref_t']) * unit.kelvin self.tau_t = float(params['tau_t']) / unit.picoseconds print( f'Turning on temperature coupling with reference temperature: {self.ref_t} and time constant: {self.tau_t}') else: print("Temperature coupling is off") self.pbc = bool(strtobool(params.get('pbc', self.pbc))) if self.pbc: self.box_dimension = loads(params['box_dimension']) print(f'Turning on periodic boundary conditions with box dimension: {self.box_dimension} nm') else: self.box_dimension = None print('Periodic boundary conditions are off') self.pcoupl = bool(strtobool(params.get('pcoupl', self.pcoupl))) if self.pcoupl: assert self.pbc, "Pressure coupling requires box dimensions and periodic boundary condition is on" self.ref_p = float(params['ref_p']) * self.frequency_p = int(params['frequency_p']) print(f'Pressure is set to reference of {self.ref_p} with frequency of coupling {self.frequency_p}') else: print("Pressure coupling is off") self.pdb_file = params['pdb_file'] print(f'Input structure: {self.pdb_file}') self.protein_code = params['protein_code'] print(f'Prefix use to write file: {self.protein_code}') self.checkpoint = params.get('checkpoint', self.checkpoint) self.device = params.get('device', self.device) print(f'Running simulation on {self.device}') if self.device == "CPU": self.ppn = int(params.get('ppn', self.ppn)) print(f'Using {self.ppn} threads') self.restart = bool(strtobool(params.get('restart', self.restart))) print(f'Restart simulation: {self.restart}') if self.restart: self.minimize = False else: self.minimize = bool(strtobool(params.get('minimize', self.minimize))) print(f'Perform Energy minimization of input structure: {self.minimize}') print('__________________________________________________________________') """ End of reading parameters """
[docs] def run(self): """ Run simulation Returns ------- """ # Initialize model self.hps_model = models.buildHPSModel(self.pdb_file, minimize=self.minimize, model=self.model, box_dimension=self.box_dimension) # dump topology PSF file and initial coordinate pdb file if self.model in ['hps_kr', 'hps_urry', 'hps_ss']: """ current dumpForceFieldData function can only write the standard format of forcefield which require sigma, epsilon for each residue. """ self.hps_model.dumpForceFieldData(f'{self.protein_code}_ff.dat') self.hps_model.dumpStructure(f'{self.protein_code}_init.pdb') self.hps_model.dumpTopology(f'{self.protein_code}.psf') self.hps_model.system.addForce(openmm.CMMotionRemover(self.nstcomm)) # setup integrator and simulation object integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(self.ref_t, self.tau_t, self.dt) if self.pcoupl: # if pressure coupling is on, add barostat force to the system. barostat = openmm.MonteCarloBarostat(self.ref_p, self.ref_t, self.frequency_p) self.hps_model.system.addForce(barostat) # Setup platform to run simulation if self.device == 'GPU': # Run simulation on CUDA print(f"Running simulation on GPU CUDA") platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CUDA') properties = {'CudaPrecision': 'mixed', "DeviceIndex": "0"} # in case of many GPUs present, we can select which one to use elif self.device == 'CPU': print(f"Running simulation on CPU using {self.ppn} cores") platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CPU') properties = {'Threads': str(self.ppn)} simulation =, self.hps_model.system, integrator, platform, properties) start_time = time.time() if self.restart: simulation.loadCheckpoint(self.checkpoint) print(f"Restart simulation from step: {simulation.context.getState().getStepCount()}") nsteps_remain = self.md_steps - simulation.context.getState().getStepCount() else: xyz = np.array(self.hps_model.positions / unit.nanometer) xyz[:, 0] -= np.amin(xyz[:, 0]) xyz[:, 1] -= np.amin(xyz[:, 1]) xyz[:, 2] -= np.amin(xyz[:, 2]) self.hps_model.positions = xyz * unit.nanometer simulation.context.setPositions(self.hps_model.positions) simulation.context.setVelocitiesToTemperature(self.ref_t) nsteps_remain = self.md_steps simulation.reporters = [] simulation.reporters.append(, self.nstxout)) simulation.reporters.append('{self.protein_code}.dcd', self.nstxout, enforcePeriodicBox=bool(self.pbc), append=self.restart)) simulation.reporters.append('{self.protein_code}.log', self.nstlog, step=True, time=True, potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, totalEnergy=True, temperature=True, remainingTime=True, speed=True, totalSteps=self.md_steps, separator='\t', append=self.restart)) simulation.step(nsteps_remain) # write the last frame last_frame = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True, enforcePeriodicBox=bool(self.pbc)).getPositions(), last_frame, open(f'{self.protein_code}_final.pdb', 'w')) simulation.saveCheckpoint(self.checkpoint) print("--- Finished in %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))