List of simulation works using all-atom resolution and force field used:
Galvanetto et al. (2023) used Amber99SBws force field with the TIP4P/2005s water model. Their FFs for Gromacs can be download from: This folder contains various FFs with an explaination. I have made a fork from their repo for backup to my own account.
Mohanty et al. (2023) used AMBER99SBws-STQ force field with TIP4P/2005. Download from HERE. A backup version is located in:
Galvanetto, Nicola, Miloš T. Ivanović, Aritra Chowdhury, Andrea Sottini, Mark F. Nüesch, Daniel Nettels, Robert B. Best, and Benjamin Schuler. 2023. “Extreme dynamics in a biomolecular condensate.” Nature 25 (February).
Mohanty, Priyesh, Jayakrishna Shenoy, Azamat Rizuan, José F. Mercado-Ortiz, Nicolas L. Fawzi, and Jeetain Mittal. 2023. “A Synergy Between Site-Specific and Transient Interactions Drives the Phase Separation of a Disordered, Low-Complexity Domain.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (34): e2305625120.